The Ultimate GAMSAT FAQ Guide: Answering Your Top QuestionsOur GAMSAT Prep Experts: Guiding You to SuccessWhat is GAMSAT?GAMSAT is a standardised test designed by ACER, the Australian Council for Educational Research, to help in the selection of candidates applying for graduate-entry medical programmes and health professional programmes (medicine, dentistry, podiatry, pharmacy and veterinary sciences) in Australia, Ireland, and the UK. What are the entry requirements for the GAMSAT?There are no entry requirements for the GAMSAT. However, to be eligible to sit the GAMSAT, applicants must have completed a Bachelor or an undergraduate honours degree. Those enrolled in their penultimate (second to the last) or final year of undergraduate study at the time of sitting the test are likewise eligible to sit GAMSAT.
When is the best time to sit the GAMSAT?Some may suggest to sit the exam in the third year/penultimate year of an undergraduate degree. Of course, a more general response would be: Once you have adequately prepared for the exam - including having sat some mock exams - then that would be the ideal time to sit the real exam. When is the deadline for registering for the GAMSAT and until when are the GAMSAT scores valid?Visit the following pages for more information: GAMSAT Registration and GAMSAT Currency of Results Where can I find GAMSAT dates and test centres?Visit GAMSAT Test Centres for details. How are the GAMSAT Scores calculated?Please visit our GAMSAT Scores page to learn how the overall scores are calculated, what are considered average, good and high GAMSAT scores and when the results are released in Australia, Ireland and the UK. What GAMSAT Scores and GPA do I need to get into medical school?Medical schools have different requirements for entry. Visit Australian Medical Schools, Irish Medical Schools and UK Medical Schools for the list of graduate entry medicine (GEM) programmes offered by various universities and their required GAMSAT scores and GPAs. While some universities are able to provide information as to what GPA and GAMSAT score they are accepting, some universities are unable to provide definite information because of their unique method of assessment. For more accurate information, we recommend that you also visit the individual university's website. What is the difference between the GAMSAT and the MCAT?GAMSAT is divided into three sections as follows:
MCAT is divided into four sections as follows:
Here is what is unique about the GAMSAT in comparison to the MCAT: Are the science questions on the GAMSAT same as those on the MCAT?The only similarity between the GAMSAT and MCAT exams is the basic syllabus for GAMSAT Section 3 (science review). MCAT sciences have now become more reasoning-based and the questions test one's ability to interrelate concepts between the different sciences. Our MCAT videos (online subscription only) cover about 90% of the content you need to know for GAMSAT physics, biology, general and organic chemistry. MCAT now covers biochemistry while the GAMSAT may not. What is the recommended study time for students?We recommend, on average, 3-6 hours/day for 3-6 months. As every student is different, it would also depend on your existing knowledge as well as your past study experience and habits. Achieve GAMSAT Success with Our Trusted Study MaterialsWhat GAMSAT Packages do you offer?The Gold Standard GAMSAT packages offer a complete review and teaching of the three sections on the exam. The following are included:
Please note that the Complete Package includes free shipping to Australia, the UK and Ireland. What advice can you offer a GAMSAT student with no science background?We will recommend you start with the GAMSAT Home Study course, which includes:
We also have full-length Gold Standard GAMSAT Practice Exams to help you prepare. You can register for a free trial, which includes one hour of free viewing time to the science review video library and GS Free GAMSAT Sample Test which is an abbreviated GAMSAT practice test. Your free GAMSAT practice test also comes with a science summary Pic of the Week and Video of the Week. You may also attend one of the GAMSAT Live Course lectures being held at a campus near you. What advice can you offer a GAMSAT student with a science background?For those who have a Science and Humanities background, the Gold Standard GAMSAT Textbooks and ACER book will be sufficient for your studies. BUT if you only have a Science background, then you should consider the following options to improve your Section 1 and Section 2 Scores:
Does the Gold Standard GAMSAT textbook cover all of the sciences?Yes. Gold Standard GAMSAT textbooks start from the basics and covers the important topics you need to know for the exam. When is the deadline to register for a GAMSAT live course?You can register at the actual course location 15 minutes before the class begins; however, we recommend that you book at least a month in advance. The most important issue is to start your prep sooner rather than later and that includes reviewing material from the book, videos and ACER practice tests for which we put all the worked solutions on YouTube for free: Do you have any iPhone or Android GAMSAT preparation apps?Yes, GAMSAT Science Flashcards apps are available on iTunes and Google Play. GAMSAT Science Flashcards apps on Google Play How can I upload the videos or MP3 audio files onto my iPod?Once your purchase has been processed, our customer support team will email you instructions on how to upload the MP3 audio files or videos to your iPod. What does the Gold Standard GAMSAT "Score Guarantee" mean?Our GAMSAT Score Guarantee means you can repeat your online access for free up to 1 additional year if you do not get the score you want. It also permits you to complete your 16 essays within 2 years if necessary. Can I try a Gold Standard GAMSAT Test before purchasing?Yes, you can try our free practice test. All you need to do is register on GAMSAT-prep.com to create your GAMSAT member profile and take our free practice test. Your member profile will also include one hour of free video access to our science review videos. Other free tools include Organic Chemistry Mechanisms, Physics Formula List and Math Tips and Formulas. Do you have any helpful tools for organising study time?Yes. Here is a step-by-step free GAMSAT study schedule that you can adapt to help you organise your study time conveniently. Also check this free daily study tips and strategies for each section at GAMSAT-Prep Study Tips. Is it possible to view your past GAMSAT webinars?Yes, most of our past webinars are available on YouTube for free while others can be found in the members' Videos section at www.gamsat-prep.com *Note that the webinars are already edited to contain only the most important information so they do not last exactly one hour. What are your Gold Standard GAMSAT success rates?Please refer to our testimonial pages to find out what students have been saying about our products: Improve Your GAMSAT Essays with Professional Feedback: The Gold Standard ApproachDo you offer GAMSAT essay correction services and what is included?Yes, Gold Standard offers 3 different essay correction services available either as a stand-alone package or bundled with other services we offer.
For detailed information about our essay correction packages offered as bundled with other services, please check our Complete Course packages.
For Gold Standard books owners, you will receive three sets of Task A sample corrected essays (from real candidates who have sat the GAMSAT in the past!) plus two Section 1 mini-tests with your online access. Your essays will be corrected by our experienced professors who will provide specific comments to help you improve your essay writing skills over time. You can find helpful tips for Section 2 Written Communications under Free GAMSAT Resources. Are the GAMSAT essay questions all new, or are they from ACER papers?We have prepared each set of essay questions based on themes that were actually provided in past GAMSAT sittings. They are not from any one of the ACER practice tests. Do you have sample essays for viewing?Yes, you can access free samples of corrected essays. Check the following:
For more information take a look at our Free GAMSAT Resources page What is the submission schedule for the 8 and 16 GAMSAT essay services?Students registered in the service are free to submit their essays before or after the due dates and can inform us of their options by email. You can submit your first two essays on separate dates. The first two essays serve as a "warm up" exercise, wherein you can write the essays without timing; and may include your thoughts, comments, questions/clarifications and difficulties encountered about each writing task at the end of the essay. How do I submit the GAMSAT essays? Are they written digitally, or by hand?There are few ways to submit your GAMSAT essays.
How long does it take for a professor to correct my GAMSAT essays?We strive to have your essays corrected within 5 business days if not sooner. Guidelines for GAMSAT Prep Registration and Account SetupHow do I register for a GAMSAT-prep.com user account?Click register at the top right hand corner of the GAMSAT-prep.com home page. Fill in the details and click submit. This will create a GAMSAT-prep.com user account for you using the email address and password information which you provided in the registration process. What must I take into account when registering for a GAMSAT-prep.com user account?In the Register section, it is recommended that you fill out the registration form completely. Your Personal Details These are the information we use to identify you. Login Details Full Name - Your given first name and last name. (e.g. John Doe) Email Address - Your email address (e.g. jdoe@mcat-prep.com) which will be used to communicate with you. Country - Select your country from the drop down list. University - Select the university you currently attend from the drop down list. Forum nick name - used to identify you on the forum and also considered your username for login purposes. Password - A case-sensitive alpha-numeric password which you create and which you will use to log into your GAMSAT member profile on our web site. It must be at least 5 characters long (e.g. VRML4you ). Confirm Password - confirm the password you created which you will use to log into your GAMSAT member profile on our web site. Privacy Statement - put a checkmark on privacy statement box. Newsletter and Email Details - put a checkmark in the box if you are interested in receiving our newsletters. For security purposes, enter the security code which is displayed How do I log into my GAMSAT-prep.com user account?Go to GAMSAT-prep.com home page and at the top right of the screen, click the Log In button. Enter the username and password that was created when you registered. How do I know that I have logged in or registered successfully?If you have successfully registered and logged into your GAMSAT-prep.com user account you will be directed to the members page which provides helpful links and study information. Here is a summary of what you will find under each tab of your member account:
If you have any problems logging in, please contact us by writing to learn@gold-standard.com or click the live chat button on the GAMSAT-prep.com website for immediate assistance How do I add a package in my account?Login to your member profile and go to the Account tab. Select the package(s) that you want to purchase and follow the instructions to add to your cart. Note that you may also purchase practice tests directly under the Tests tab. Unlocking Premium Content: Subscribing to GAMSAT Prep ResourcesHow do I pay for a Gold Standard GAMSAT product?After you have selected the product from the GAMSAT-Prep.com page or from within your GAMSAT-prep.com user profile, click Add to Cart and you will be taken to a PayPal checkout page. Use the Estimate Shipping button to determine the shipping cost which may be applicable to tangible items and enter the shipping cost in the applicable field. What other payment methods are available apart from Paypal?If you do not want to make your payment via PayPal, you can do so through our secure credit card payment process. Click Gold Standard Secure Credit Card Payment and enter information in the two fields displayed:
Click Checkout (Enter your credit card information and shipping information if applicable) How will I know that my payment has been processed?Once your payment has been processed, you will receive an email from Authorize.net (our merchant provider), or PayPal confirming the payment details along with an invoice number for tracking purposes. If the payment was unsuccessful, you will also receive an email that will state the nature of the problem. How will I know that my GAMSAT product has been added to my user account?Once your payment is processed successfully, you will be redirected to a confirmation screen. You will receive an email from the GAMSAT-prep customer support confirming which package was purchased. Please check your junk mail to ensure that the email was not deposited there. You can also log into your GAMSAT user profile and look at the account tab to see which packages are in your account. Where will my GAMSAT item(s) be dispatched from?For GAMSAT products such as our GAMSAT textbook, it will be dispatched from Sydney, London or the US, depending on your shipping address. Online products will be provided within your GAMSAT user profile only. I'm looking for a discount or a payment plan for your product(s) and I do not want to purchase them through Amazon or eBay?We do offer payment plans on some of our products. This needs to be arranged on an individual case basis. Please send an email to learn@gold-standard.com about the product you are interested in and we will review your request and reply to you within 48 hours on business days. Optimizing Your Online Experience: Navigating the GAMSAT Prep PlatformWhere do I register my GAMSAT Textbook Owner Access card?Once logged in to your GAMSAT member account you will see an image of the Masters Series book set at the upper right corner, click the image and select "Click here to use your online access code" and enter your God Standard Masters Series Textbook ISBN number. What online content can I access with my Gold Standard GAMSAT Textbook Access?As a Gold Standard GAMSAT Textbook owner, you will have online access to the following:
If your access card has expired or if you purchased a used or second hand Gold Standard GAMSAT textbook, you will not get the online resources. However, you may purchase the Gold Standard Textbook Owner access for a one-time fee of $59.95 AUD for 2 consecutive month's access. Where can I access the free GAMSAT teaching videos online?You can find free science review videos at GAMSAT Streaming Videos. You can also register for a free account on our website to access one hour of free videos of your choice. Go to GAMSAT-prep.com to register. Can I extend my access to the online practice tests?There are no actual extensions for the online practice tests. You would need to purchase the tests again by logging into your member profile and click on the Account tab. Then scroll to the GAMSAT Practice tests area and purchase the tests. How do I cancel a monthly subscription for an online program?You need to log into your PayPal account:
You will receive a confirmation from Paypal that your subscription is cancelled. Alternatively, email learn@gold-standard.com to request subscription cancellation. Can I transfer my online time or materials to another student?No. All course materials including online access are for exclusive use of our students and are non-transferable and non-refundable. Registering under a different IP address can result in permanent account deletion according to our Conditions of Use. Can I pause or temporarily stop my online access to the Gold Standard GAMSAT practice exams and reactivate them when I'm ready?No, unfortunately online content does not generally work that way. You are paying for usage and access for a specific time period. Whether you use it frequently or not during your access period, the payment amount does not change. This policy is explained in our Conditions of Use. I have not used my online access to the Gold Standard GAMSAT practice exams in a while. Can I obtain a refund or an extension for the time not used?No, there are no refunds or extensions for time not used. Please refer to our policy as explained in our Conditions of Use. Resolving Common Issues: Troubleshooting GAMSAT Prep ProblemsI tried logging in as a "Gold Standard Owner" on GAMSAT-Prep using my access card but it does not work. What can you suggest I do?It is important to follow the steps below in order to resolve this issue:
While waiting for our response, we suggest you sign up for a free GAMSAT-Prep.com account in order to access one hour of free online videos and other free resources, such as the physics equation list, organic chemistry summary, and much more! I am having problems saving my test scores and history. What should I do?It is recommended that Mozilla Firefox be used for the tests as they work best with this browser. You need to enable JavaScript by going to the Edit tab on Firefox, clicking on Firefox Preferences, then on Content and Enable JavaScript. If you also use add-ons on Firefox, check if any of them require JavaScript to be turned off, since sometimes these can block the application. You can check the add-ons by going to the Tools tab and clicking on Add-Ons. Lastly, before closing any test or browser, wait a few seconds to ensure all test data has been saved in our database. What are the system requirements for the online practice courses?Your PC should include: Windows 95, 98, Me, XP, or NT 4.0, or 2000; Pentium 200Mhz or greater; 32 MB RAM or greater (64 MB for NT or 2000); Sound card and speakers or headphones; 28.8kb modem (56kb recommended) and reliable Internet service; Internet Explorer 5.5 SP1 and Internet Tools or higher; Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher (available as a free download from www.adobe.com); JAVA 2.0 plug-in and greater (also available as a free download from www.javasoft.com) and cookies must be enabled; America Online users will need 5.0 or higher, and will need to minimize the AOL window and open Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher. |
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