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GAMSAT Biology 2023-2024 Masters Series

GAMSAT Paperback Book or eBook with Instant Access: Learn, Revise and Practice

  • GAMSAT Biology : Comprehensive Preparation for learn, revise and practice
  • Molecular, cellular and systems GAMSAT Biology: From the introductory level up to GAMSAT level
  • More content as compared to previous editions with new diagrams, illustrations and practice questions in the book.
  • This new book contains foundational (basic understanding) multiple-choice questions (MCQs), followed by new GAMSAT-level MCQs - completely updated to reflect the most current exam trends. Also new: Spoiler Alerts so you can compare your learning to specific ACER practice questions; and Chapter Checklists to ensure that you have completed your understanding before moving on to the next chapter.

GAMSAT Section 3, Reasoning in Biological and Physical Sciences, is the longest of the 3 subtests on exam day. 'Biological Sciences' refers to Organic Chemistry and Biology. 'Physical Sciences' refers to Physics and General Chemistry.

Essentially, 40% of Section 3 is Biology. Officially, the level of assumed knowledge is first-year university.

With time, it may become clear to you that despite the preceding statement, the assumed knowledge for Biology is mostly consistent with A-Level/Leaving Certificate/Year 12 courses. However, the topics explored in the stimulus material during the exam can be quite advanced with the aim being to test your ability to learn on the spot and apply your reasoning skills to novel scenarios.

Gold Standard GAMSAT Masters Series Biology Table of Contents, Summary:


Chapter 1. Generalised Eukaryotic Cell
Chapter 2. Microbiology
Chapter 3. Protein Synthesis
Chapter 4. Enzymes and Cellular Metabolism
Chapter 5. Specialised Eukaryotic Cells and Tissues
Chapter 6. Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Chapter 7. The Circulatory System
Chapter 8. The Immune System

Chapter 9. The Digestive System
Chapter 10. The Excretory System
Chapter 11. The Musculoskeletal System
Chapter 12. The Respiratory System
Chapter 13. The Skin as an Organ System
Chapter 14. Reproduction and Development
Chapter 15. Genetics
Chapter 16. Evolution

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